About Us

Hi, I’m Valentina

Like every change or the beginning of a new path starts with a challenge, mine started when my universe shook from the foundations. I felt that what I was doing in my life was not enough; I felt there had to be something more to it and that there had to be a way to serve this world more compassionately.

So I started to read and read until Reiki found me. Because it is like this. Reiki finds and chooses you and not the other way around. Why did I feel that this was the right path? Because I saw the impact of what I do on people. That is the best reward. The more I was doing it, the more I felt the need to expand and amplify my knowledge in the holistic world. 

That's why Aromatherapy and Crystal therapy are part of the package and some arts and crafts. And I know that more is gonna come. I fully embrace this inner journey!

Can’t wait to add more to this biography. Until then…well. Stay tuned!

Hi, I’m Dean

I have a normal day job, but there is more to me than that.

I have always had an interest in spirit, having had regular experiences from a young age. A series of psychic events in my life led me first to a medium, who confirmed many things about me and then to the front door of a Reiki Master, who guided me towards this fascinating practice. It was then that I realized that my life was not to simply be a 9 to 5 existence. Since then, my life took a turn for the better.

Tarot, in particular, has always fascinated me and is a part of my daily life since I remember. The way these cards, with their beautiful images and symbols, can tell you so much about yourself (even the parts you didn’t want to know!) was always intriguing to me. It is a passion of mine and if I can help others along their life path, then it is all the better!

As I worked with the cards, I developed my own technique. This is unique to me and is one that has had many positive reports. I’m not here to tell you just what you want to hear. I’m here to tell you what I see, even if the cards tell me something you may not like! I will be compassionate, and friendly but always professional. 

Oh, don’t you worry! I will absolutely forget what happened afterwards (so your secrets are definitely safe with me!)

I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with you

Anam Cara is born of the combining of two souls sharing the same view on life. As the Gaelic word suggests (Soul Mate) the meaning is as simple as it is. Two souls on the same spiritual path with love for the holistic world, and with the goal to help people to free themselves on an emotional and spiritual level.

Sometimes we have an imbalance between mind and body. This is where problems begin. With this in mind, we use a human approach that takes into consideration the single person as a part of the macrocosm.

The Holistic Approach is even a different way to see and experience life beyond the veil of normal reality.

With our help, you will re-balance body, mind and spirit and be realigned with your personal journey of the soul.

Who we are

What are you waiting for?

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